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Bovaer cow feed additive explained

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A dairy cow in the UK


There has been widespread media coverage and discussion on social media about a feed additive called Bovaer being trialled to reduce methane emissions from dairy cows to help combat climate change.

Here we answer some of the questions being asked about the additive.

Is milk from cows fed Bovaer safe for us to drink?

Milk from cows given Bovaer, a feed additive used to reduce methane emissions, is safe to drink. The additive is metabolised by the cows so does not pass into the milk.

Bovaer, a brand name for the additive 3-Nitrooxypropanol or “3-NOP”, has undergone rigorous safety assessments as part of the FSA’s market authorisation process, and is approved for use in Great Britain. It has also been approved for use in other countries including in the EU, Australia, Canada and the US. 

Is meat from animals fed Bovaer safe to eat?

Yes. Meat from animals fed Bovaer is safe to eat. The FSA safety assessment concluded there are no safety concerns when Bovaer is used at the approved dose.

How are feed additives tested and approved?

All authorised feed additives undergo the FSA's rigorous safety assessment. This ensures products are safe for the UK market. 

Businesses must demonstrate the safety of the additive - for the animal, consumers, workers and the environment.

To ensure the assessment is as robust as possible, independent experts from the Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs assess the evidence and provide advice to the FSA to inform the final safety assessment.

The FSA safety assessment for Bovaer (3-Nitrooxypropanol or “3-NOP”) was published in March 2023 and can be found on the FSA website. The advice of the independent Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs is available on their website.

Why have you approved Bovaer when there are known safety issues?

The FSA safety assessment concluded there are no safety concerns when Bovaer is used at the approved dose.

It does not cause cancer (it is not carcinogenic or genotoxic) and poses no safety concerns to consumers, animals or the environment.

More than 58 studies on potential risks were evaluated and it was concluded that the additive is safe at twice the recommended dose.

The additive is metabolised by the cows so does not pass into the milk. It was not found in milk in any of the trials presented to the FSA.

Is Bovaer approved in other countries?

Bovaer has been authorised for use globally including in the EU, Australia, Canada and the US. 

In the EU the additive was authorised according to Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition in April 2022. Bovaer has more recently been authorised in Canada in January 2024, and in the US in May 2024.

Will the milk from cows fed Bovaer be labelled?

Feed additives are not labelled within the ingredients list of food products. In this particular case, the additive is metabolised by the cows so does not pass into the milk.

Is it safe for the animals that eat the feed?

Animal safety was considered as part of the FSA’s safety assessment and no adverse effects related to the use of Bovaer were observed at the recommended dose.

Is it safe for those working with animals and using the feed?

Worker safety was considered within the safety assessment. There are no safety concerns for workers handling the additive when used as directed, and appropriate personal protective equipment is used.

The assessment concluded the additive - in its pure form at the manufacturing stage - should be considered corrosive to the eyes, a skin irritant and potentially harmful by inhalation, but is not harmful at the point it is fed to animals.

Esbonio ychwanegyn bwyd buchod o’r enw Bovaer

Mae ychwanegyn bwyd anifeiliaid o’r enw Bovaer wedi bod yn derbyn sylw eang yn y cyfryngau a bu sawl trafodaeth amdano ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. Mae’r ychwanegyn hyn yn cael ei dreialu i leihau allyriadau methan o wartheg godro er mwyn helpu i frwydro yn erbyn newid yn yr hinsawdd.

Dyma ateb rhai o’r cwestiynau cyffredin am yr ychwanegyn.

Ydy llaeth buchod sy’n cael eu bwydo â Bovaer yn ddiogel i ni ei yfed?

Mae llaeth buchod sy’n cael eu bwydo â Bovaer, sef ychwanegyn bwyd anifeiliaid a ddefnyddir i leihau allyriadau methan, yn ddiogel i’w yfed. Mae’r ychwanegyn yn cael ei fetaboleiddio gan y buchod, felly nid yw’n trosglwyddo i’r llaeth.

Mae Bovaer, sef enw brand ar gyfer yr ychwanegyn 3-Nitroocsypropanol neu “3-NOP”, wedi bod yn destun asesiadau diogelwch trwyadl fel rhan o broses awdurdodi’r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd (ASB) i allu rhoi cynnyrch ar y farchnad. Mae wedi’i gymeradwyo i’w ddefnyddio ym Mhrydain Fawr ac mewn gwledydd eraill, gan gynnwys yn yr UE, Awstralia, Canada a’r Unol Daleithiau.

A yw cig o anifeiliaid a gaiff eu bwydo â Bovaer yn ddiogel i’w fwyta?

Ydy. Mae cig o anifeiliaid a gaiff eu bwydo â Bovaer yn ddiogel i’w fwyta. Daeth asesiad diogelwch yr ASB i’r casgliad nad oes unrhyw bryderon diogelwch pan gaiff y dos cymeradwy o Bovaer ei ddefnyddio.

Sut mae ychwanegion bwyd anifeiliaid yn cael eu profi a’u cymeradwyo?

Mae pob ychwanegyn bwyd anifeiliaid awdurdodedig yn destun asesiad diogelwch trwyadl gan yr ASB. Mae hyn yn sicrhau bod cynhyrchion yn ddiogel ar gyfer marchnad y DU. 

Rhaid i fusnesau ddangos bod yr ychwanegyn yn ddiogel, a hynny mewn perthynas â’r anifail, defnyddwyr, gweithwyr a’r amgylchedd.

Er mwyn sicrhau bod yr asesiad mor gadarn â phosib, mae arbenigwyr annibynnol o’r Pwyllgor Cynghori ar Fwydydd Anifeiliaid yn asesu’r dystiolaeth ac yn rhoi cyngor i’r ASB sy’n llywio’r asesiad diogelwch terfynol.

Cyhoeddwyd asesiad diogelwch yr ASB ar gyfer Bovaer (3-Nitroosypropanol neu “3-NOP”) ym mis Mawrth 2023, a gellir ei ddarllen ar wefan yr ASB. Mae cyngor annibynnol y Pwyllgor Cynghori ar Fwydydd Anifeiliaid ar gael ar ei wefan.

Pam ydych chi wedi cymeradwyo Bovaer pan fo materion diogelwch hysbys?

Daeth asesiad diogelwch yr ASB i’r casgliad nad oes unrhyw bryderon diogelwch pan ddefnyddir y dos cymeradwy o Bovaer.

Nid yw’n achosi canser (nid yw’n garsinogenig nac yn genotocsig), ac nid yw’n peri unrhyw bryderon diogelwch i ddefnyddwyr, anifeiliaid na’r amgylchedd.

Gwerthuswyd mwy na 58 o astudiaethau ar y risgiau posib, a daethpwyd i’r casgliad bod yr ychwanegyn yn ddiogel hyd at ddwywaith y dos a argymhellir.

Mae’r ychwanegyn yn cael ei fetaboleiddio gan y buchod, felly nid yw’n trosglwyddo i’r llaeth. Ni ddaethpwyd o hyd iddo mewn llaeth yn unrhyw un o’r treialon a gyflwynwyd i’r ASB.

A yw Bovaer wedi’i gymeradwyo mewn gwledydd eraill?

Mae Bovaer wedi’i awdurdodi i’w ddefnyddio’n fyd-eang gan gynnwys yn yr UE, Awstralia, Canada a’r Unol Daleithiau. 

Yn yr UE, awdurdodwyd yr ychwanegyn yn unol â Rheoliad (CE) Rhif 1831/2003 ar ychwanegion i’w defnyddio mewn maeth anifeiliaid ym mis Ebrill 2022. Yn fwy diweddar, awdurdodwyd Bovaer yng Nghanada ym mis Ionawr 2024, ac yn yr UD ym mis Mai 2024.

A fydd llaeth o wartheg sy’n cael eu bwydo â Bovaer yn cael ei labelu i nodi hyn?

Nid yw ychwanegion bwyd anifeiliaid yn cael eu labelu o fewn rhestr gynhwysion cynhyrchion bwyd. Yn yr achos penodol hwn, mae’r ychwanegyn yn cael ei fetaboleiddio gan y buchod, felly nid yw’n trosglwyddo i’r llaeth.

A yw’n ddiogel i’r anifeiliaid sy’n bwyta’r bwyd anifeiliaid?

Ystyriwyd diogelwch anifeiliaid fel rhan o asesiad diogelwch yr ASB, ac ni welwyd unrhyw effeithiau andwyol yn ymwneud â defnyddio Bovaer ar y dos a argymhellir.

A yw’n ddiogel i’r rhai sy’n gweithio gydag anifeiliaid ac yn defnyddio’r bwyd anifeiliaid?

Roedd diogelwch gweithwyr yn cael ei ystyried yn yr asesiad diogelwch. Nid oes unrhyw bryderon diogelwch i weithwyr sy’n trin yr ychwanegyn pan gaiff ei ddefnyddio yn ôl y cyfarwyddiadau, a phan ddefnyddir cyfarpar diogelu personol priodol.

Daeth yr asesiad i’r casgliad y dylai’r ychwanegyn – yn ei ffurf pur ar y cam gweithgynhyrchu – gael ei ystyried yn gyrydol i’r llygaid, yn llidus ar y croen ac o bosib yn niweidiol wrth ei anadlu, ond nad yw’n niweidiol ar yr adeg y caiff ei fwydo i anifeiliaid.

Yn gyffredinol, daeth asesiad diogelwch yr ASB i’r casgliad nad oes unrhyw bryderon diogelwch pan ddefnyddir y dos cymeradwy o Bovaer.

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  1. Comment by Nigel Roche posted on

    It is very well for the FSA sitting in an office miles from reality to say it is all right for the additive 3-Nitrooxypropanol or “3-NOP”, to be used because has undergone rigorous safety assessments as part of the FSA’s market authorisation process,

    I happen to remember that the authorities and scientists said feeding cattle protein made from sheep was perfectly safe - then Mad Cow Disease hit and the beef industry took a hell of a knock - but the they said it was OK then said whoops sorry we made an error.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by janette ray posted on

      I agree with this comment. They do not care about the public. This should be on the ingredients people should have a choice. Why are we making such a small change of 27% reduction when you only have to look around to see what pollution from planes and nuclear power stations omit . We just keep helping these big pharmaceutical companies get richer and normal humans get sicker. The farms taking part should be listed.

      • Replies to janette ray>

        Comment by JOE posted on


        • Replies to JOE>

          Comment by Robert Young posted on

          It is not an ingredient . Grass is ingested by cows but not stated on the label. Nor are any other foodstuffs the cows eat.

          • Replies to Robert Young>

            Comment by J curry posted on

            Your a idiot grass is not toxic!

        • Replies to JOE>

          Comment by sam posted on


      • Replies to janette ray>

        Comment by Ned posted on

        Jannette. A 27% reduction is quite significant, being more than a quarter (I.e. 25%). If somebody reduced my wages by 27% I would be well miffed. However, a 27% increase would put me in hop, skip and a jump territory. Can you also enlighten me as to what contribution nuclear power makes to greenhouse gas emissions? Whilst the industry has other problems, I think you may find that the answer is nigh on zero.

        • Replies to Ned>

          Comment by Beverly posted on

          The cows eat about 27% less feed with Bovaer added. So to take your analogy, you could get paid 27% less, but after doing 27% fewer hours.

        • Replies to Ned>

          Comment by Helen posted on

          Oh, yeah. And what happens to the waste products? They're put in the sea, in mountains, etc, just biding they're time! The pollution is high risk!! And when they go wrong?????

        • Replies to Ned>

          Comment by Duncan Vella posted on

          You do realise 27% is not on the total green house gas. It’s only on the 6% of the cows contribution worldwide. Which is around 0.2% of the small 6%. A report by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) indicates that between 1988 and 2015, 100 companies were responsible for approximately 71% of global industrial GHG emissions. But the problem is the most healthiest nutrient dense food for human consumption. Let’s not forget meat and milk heal the body from the inside out. Big corporations are the problem and we have to pay the extra taxes for their greed.

      • Replies to janette ray>

        Comment by Mark Flynn posted on

        Agreed. Cows are also not the problem. This is just dumb at best. Methane enters the atmosphere and eventually combines with oxygen (oxidizes) to form more CO2. C02 is needed for photosynthesis, so the food industry increases C02 in greenhouses to increase the harvest. Global C02 levels are not nearly high enough. Don't believe the genocidal bureaucrats that spout nonsense. Taking 5 minutes out of a day will confirm this.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by DR GOGS posted on

      Now look I do not trust anyone or anybody or any organisation or regulatory body. I do not even trust myself . I am a Roman Candle to trade !
      Who are you, who am I , who are the FSA

      FROM.Dr Gogs ..the voice of the Glorious Land of the Doric.
      P.S. I would not touch doctored milk.with a barge poll.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by liza jones posted on

      The British public do not want this poison in our food chain, We will boycott products with it in. THE GOVERNMENT will have to listen! Defra must outlaw this it is not needed, seaweed is a suitable and healthy replacement. evidence shows it shrinks cows ovaries and leads to cancer in their duodenum. this milk will contain traces and so will the meat. stop this now!! unless you want people to die and fertility rates to drop.

      • Replies to liza jones>

        Comment by Jane Brown posted on

        But that is exactly what they want ..Bill Gates depopulation...the jabs didn't do a good enough job... Thankfully ppl are waking up!

        • Replies to Jane Brown>

          Comment by Jonathan posted on

        • Replies to Jane Brown>

          Comment by Nigel Roche posted on

          Well said. I don't trust Billy boy Gates or any other of the so called elite - just because they were successful in a venture and made a mint, does not in my mind make them brilliant polymaths,

        • Replies to Jane Brown>

          Comment by Mark Flynn posted on

      • Replies to liza jones>

        Comment by valerie freitas posted on

        another way to depopulate.....this is disgusting!!

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Saira Nadeem posted on

      We don’t trust government who failed to protect its own citizens and put harmful MRNA vaccines into bodies of frightened people by using false data , false information n propaganda.
      We demand that milk should be labeled what additives or chemicals are used to make it taste n sustain for weeks .
      Very pathetic behaviour of government to ignore people who doesn’t want such chemicals in food , medicines or water . Stop this nonsense

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Delia posted on

      Mad cows disease is a group of symptoms. As it's not actually a disease. There's only one disease that's been proven to exist. That's toxaemia. Toxaemia is poisoning. Whatever was given to cattle back then, it was poisoning them. And this is the same. Put a chemical into any life form, whether it's a human or animal. Symptoms will occur. Our bodies react in the same way. We, as humans, and all animals, we all experience symptoms of detoxification. The mainstream classify these symptoms as diseases/viruses. When all they are is symptoms. Arla are making their animals sick. Those chemicals aren't food, and they're not healthy. Arla will pay one day.

      • Replies to Delia>

        Comment by ConcernedOnlooker posted on

        Hi Delia - MCD is caused by the transmission of pathogenic proteins, not chemicals. If you don't put chemicals (assuming your definition of a chemical is something not naturally occuring as a base element, and so would need "modification" from constitant parts) into your body, or indeed the body of any living creature, (as this counts as things like water, air, foodstuffs, etc.), it dies. If you put the wrong chemicals, or indeed the "wrong" base elements such as mercury, in a body, it dies. Symptoms will often arise from a poisoning, yes, but symptoms taken to mean general malaises are far from exclusive to simple cases of poisoning. Diseases, as in negative effects on the body with a foci cause to put it broadly, very much do exist and are proven to do so. I would be absolutely willing to take your hypothesis on-board if you were willing to take a transfusion of HIV+ blood. If there is no pathogenesis to worry about, as you say, and resultant symptoms are simply a case of over-saturation with chemicals, rather than being indicative of a symptomatic illness, you should have no issue with this.

      • Replies to Delia>

        Comment by Colin Phillips posted on

        Just emptied the last of our milk down the drain.Also binned some butter and cheese.We are not going to buy any product related to Bovaer cow feed.I have also looked at Supermarket own brands. We need to know which own brands have used products from Bovaer fed cows. Regardless of what the manufactuers or Scientists say about safety. I used to query why Yeo valley organic milk was more expensive,but after doing some research I found out why.They only use a select number of farms and pay the farmers a decent price. All organic products, not messed about with.That is all we ask.I am happy to pay more for healthy food.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Paul Victor posted on

      I agree with this statement. They also said the Covid jab is safe and only now all the truth is getting exposed. I have lost all trust in these companies and just want natural everything that has not been mucked with. Is that so hard? And now we have to pay more for natural products. That should be the cheapest.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by AP4INTERNET posted on


      • Replies to AP4INTERNET>

        Comment by Frankie pryce posted on

        Nobody cares what Bill Gates does and the WEF, Gates has mass death on his hands he needs to be brought to justice along with the EU .

        • Replies to Frankie pryce>

          Comment by Mish posted on

          What’s Gates got to do with it?

          • Replies to Mish>

            Comment by Frankie posted on

            We will all find out how far his dirty hands reach sooner than later,He is the man who pays for cow farts research among other things that are not good for mankind

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Alastair posted on

      Your comment misses a key point Mitch. The FSA was formed in 2000 as a response (at least in part) to mad cow disease and CJD. The feeding of animal spine/brain products back to cattle was not something that the FSA approved but rather a disaster that the FSA was created to prevent through careful oversight.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Colin posted on

      The whole thing is another ploy by the globalist agenda to reduce the population. Apparently the chemicals used in Bovaer, when taken separately are very dangerous and can even cause blindness !!
      The UK is the Guiney pig for the globalists trails on so many things - free speech being one major item on their list. Which is why Starmer has people locked away, in order to keep them quiet and stop them awakening the rest of the population to what is going on.
      Your rights are being eroded in front of your eyes. even the food you eat. Stop eating processed food if you can, there are so many chemicals within them - they cannot be good for you, especially when mixed with other chemicals contained within other foodstuffs.

      • Replies to Colin>

        Comment by Jonathan posted on

        Agenda 2030
        Cancer grown in labs sold as beef!
        Gmo’s in food and naw injections
        Contaminating the food supply with chemical waste and nocking confidence in it not to mention the outcome!
        All liked to wef and bill gates!

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Jonathan posted on

      I’m totally disgusted with this happening!
      I’m a beef farmer you can not even give a cow standard medicine and use its milk!
      Yet another way to put poison in our body’s!
      Fist they want to grow cancer and splice it with beef dna in labs and call it beef for us to eat !
      They say it’s good for the planet what mad man came up with this the same mad man that came up with this one about contaminated cows producing milk for us without labelling William ( bill gates ) the man that said he could reduce the planet’s population by 15 % with new vaccines! it also this has to be illegal! And against human rights! The last straw!

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Melanie Phillips posted on

      As if we haven't learned from a clearly untested vaccine, they now want to use us as guinea pigs. No this is against our protected human rights under the Nuremberg code-no consent to these experiments so cease and desist .

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Stuart booth posted on

      If the gov agencies say it safe it surely must be… just like everything else that has been categorised as safe only to be subsequently discovered not to be the case.
      Why not let the consumer decide by putting the ‘additive’ on the labels of products? You know consumers don’t trust you anymore and would avoid it. I have started visiting local dairy farms to get diary direct from source where I know this poison isn’t included.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Christopher Mole posted on

      they also said the same about smoking and lard and high chlorine in our water and thalidomide and covid vaccine and the countless things that are now carcinogenic , as for trying to stop the world going through its natural changes and cleansing as it has and will do for millions of years to come , wot you call climate change ! delusional you are at the least its never going to happen , whos stopping china the worst polluter of all we all buy are consumables from and all the volcanos the wars , you are I'm afraid a drop in the ocean and pouring billions of pounds down the drain and you want us to believe you again !!! you lost our trust years ago liars .

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by Juss posted on

      Agreed, it’s our human rights to know what’s in our food chain, and it should be labelled and then up to us if we want to consume it or not. We don’t want diseases manifesting in our bodies. We need to know what’s in these food chains.

    • Replies to Nigel Roche>

      Comment by JOHN GOODRIDGE posted on

      ...and let's not forget the Thalidomide scandal. Trust nothing that emerges from the mouths of your friendly government bureaucrat. Their in the pocket of Big Pharma right up to their neckline.

  2. Comment by Stephen posted on

    All I can see is a higher cost to farmers already struggling with farming quotas so why can't we let the farmers do what they do best and farm without all this tomfoolery from people that have never got there hands dirty trying to put food on a table

    • Replies to Stephen>

      Comment by Mikeal posted on

      The main reason is if left to farmers, they would stuff their animals with loads of antibiotics to make them grow quickly.
      We know this because that is what they were doing before regulation came in.
      Bovear is metabolised so biggest fear you should have is if you eat meat where a farmer is overdosing them, easy to tell. If you stop farting, you have eaten bovear laden meat….keep an eye on your farts, especially if you eat fast food chain food and ready made meals a lot.

      • Replies to Mikeal>

        Comment by Mark posted on

        Mikael, are you an expert with regards to the Bovear trials?
        Please provide evidence to corroborate your statements;
        1. Bovear is metabolised.
        Please provide links to the scientific studies that verifies it is completely metabolised with no residual chemicals present.
        Also that there is 100% no bioaccumulation.
        2. Controlled Dosing.
        How is the dosing controlled and where is the evidence the dosing is strictly verified, policed, and records kept with full transparency for public scrutiny?
        Who is evaluating the ongoing trials and who is auditing the evaluators?

        • Replies to Mark>

          Comment by Melanie Phillips posted on

          Mark, this old trope no longer works, you do not need to be a scientist to read and understand studied paid for and an expected outcome in favour of the funder.

      • Replies to Mikeal>

        Comment by valerie freitas posted on

        There hasnt been any LONG-TERM studies on cattle offspring or human consumptiin....because there IS NO LONG-TERM USE!!! So, we are expected to "wait n see" ? This is NOT a good thing......sounds like a grim outcome ahead.....

  3. Comment by James posted on

    Don’t believe any of this in the slightest, just like the Covid scam

    • Replies to James>

      Comment by Davie posted on

      Well said never trust the government study after covid

  4. Comment by Anonymous posted on

    Why don't we force humans to stop burping and suppress them with drugs and chemicals so that we can save the planet. Let's do it to kids too as this government destroys all kindness and humanity.

  5. Comment by Huw Warden posted on

    Is it fair to say that ataxia was demonstrated in mice in one toxicology study and that there have been conflict of interests noted by the authors of many of the significant research papers?

  6. Comment by Andrew Morton posted on

    The people don’t want it!! Stuff you and Bill the psychopath Gates. Government said the Covid MNRA was safe and effective and we now all know it’s poison!!! The government has no inhibitions and lie openly! This is no different!
    Take it out of the feed and stop giving livestock vaccines and antibiotics unnecessarily!

    • Replies to Andrew Morton>

      Comment by scared boomer posted on


  7. Comment by Charlie Imp posted on

    If a farmer accidentally spills Bovaer and a gale is blowing are people right to be concerned about exposure? What happens to a cows body at an abattoir if they had beeb fed on bovaer?

  8. Comment by James Olsen posted on

    After the lies of Covid, no person with a grain of common sense believes a word of what you say. You've never had our best interests to heart, sending our money to Ukraine for your own self serving interests, putting unwanted rubbish in our cows under the lie of "climate change". Cows have been gassing since the dawn of time and we're still here! And we will still be here unless you don't start WW3 with Russia!

    • Replies to James Olsen>

      Comment by Mark Inwood posted on

      I don't think WW3 with Russia will help keep us alive!

  9. Comment by Malcolm carson posted on

    At the end of the day the human guinea pig will determine the result

  10. Comment by Malcolm carson posted on

    Or Why not tape bin bags to their bums,,Then use the gas for cooking..?

    • Replies to Malcolm carson>

      Comment by Andrew Morton posted on

      The government are already ripping us off with utilities. The national grid is paid for out of our taxes. Then the gas/electric companies lease our meters and charge us….again!
      And who sets the price cap so frigging high as they go about destroying our cheaper energy options all on the basis of a frigging global cooling…global warming….er I mean global boiling lie!!!

      • Replies to Andrew Morton>

        Comment by Ian posted on

        Saving the planet is a lucrative business. Big money is given to landowners etc. to have wind turbines (windmills) built on their land then more big money is given to the same landowners to switch off their windmills because it’s too windy and the power they generate can’t be stored.
        I never tire of writing this next rant. World weather patterns have been changing for millions of years and there is no better example than the year 1314 (no, not Bannockburn). That year it started to rain one day and didn’t stop for two years apart from the occasional day. There was famine and death all over Europe because of crop failure and Britain lost 5% of its population. How do the planet savers explain that one? How did the cavemen explain the ice age?
        The SNP administration tried to ban wood burners in new-build homes because of the emissions from the burning wood. It’s estimated that man first started using fire 800,000 years ago. That means that every human in the world ate cooked food, and heated themselves by burning wood. Then coal, oil, gas, and any other fossil fuels were discovered. I’m surprised the planet wasn’t destroyed long before today’s planet savers latched on to their money making scam.
        There is ongoing climate change that is true but the fact is that although we may not be helping it we most certainly didn’t cause it.

    • Replies to Malcolm carson>

      Comment by Anonymous posted on

      It's not coming from they bums it's from it the mouth when they burp. Cows have two stomachs . And this the stuff they're putting in the feed this will cause a chain reaction to every from dairy product from chocolate or anything else like that . this will effect shops .factories. farmers

  11. Comment by SallyV posted on

    Why are you poisoning the public over the global warming scam?

  12. Comment by DC posted on

    Not in 3 million years will I buy from any company using this or Rumin8, Stop messing with people food, cows eat grass, in the winter dried grass and grains..

  13. Comment by Andrew Thomas Coop posted on

    Make all the information( Especially the toxicity of the substance at source) available to the public WORLDWIDE, Then let the public decide if they/we want it or not. Do governments work/ exist for the public or not???? I am against it's use!!! Give us the right to decide!!!

  14. Comment by Rachel posted on

    The studies that were approved so readily were hardly conclusive, the sample study size used does not make me feel confident that the there is no harm done to the animal, the consumer or the people handling the additive. The testing is not exhaustive, it does not set limits for impurities that could be formed during the breakdown of the compound, and worryingly it seems to reduce the food and water intake of the cow. We should not be interfering with the cows metabolic functions in the digestive system, this is not ethical The countries who have so far certified this for use have done so out of desperation. It is China, the US, Russia, India and Brazil who should be looking at their methane emissions (mainly from oil and gas operations) and pursuing an alternative pathway. Milk/meat produced from cows that have been fed this additive should be clearly labelled, let the public decide whether or not they are happy to ingest this additive.

  15. Comment by Loony posted on

    We Don't Believe You!!!!!

  16. Comment by Brion Furnell posted on

    It’s vital that dairy packaging states if the cows have been medicated with Bovaer. Many tax-payers will support efforts to tackle climate change and will welcome the use of Bovaer. And some tax-payers will want the opportunity to avoid dairy from cow’s that have had their digestive process chemically altered.

    I would like the government to confirm Bovaer will not be administered to cows whose milk is used in organic produce. And I would also like confirmation that organic options won’t deliberately be phased out in the name of ‘net-zero 2030’.

  17. Comment by No Mandates posted on

    Will look forward to buying natural milk and meat labelled as not containing this additive. Do you think the ruling elites will be eating this?

  18. Comment by Yvonne Wainwright posted on

    If its corrosive to the skin, whats it doing to the cows face and mouth ?.
    I notice not one comment on here has been given the decency of a reply.

  19. Comment by Anne posted on

    The FSA and other Government Food organisations have been poisoning people for years, because it is all about the money, not about peoples health. The populations are getting sicker every year by eating food manufactured by companies just wanting to make more money by finding cheaper ways to manufacture foods. They produce false studies or pay scientists to do false studies to say they are not toxic. We have more additives in our food now then ever, but now they also want to poison the animals, as they are already poisoning our crops with chemicals. We are better off growing our own food, at least we know what is in it.

  20. Comment by John posted on

    No mention of the metabolites which do make it in to the milk then?

  21. Comment by Sal A posted on

    Absolutely ridiculous, do we not get a say in whether we want this? Cows have been gassing the airways since forever and a day, I really don’t know how these people come up with these hair brain ideas, there are far more much worse air pollutants on this earth than cows. Common sense really has gone out of the window 🤡!!

  22. Comment by Richard cafe posted on

    Nothing should be fed animals that produce dairy or are themselves eventually food for humans.
    It's designed to cut down the enzymes cattle use to break down what they are eating?
    That alone can only cause huge problems for the cows that have needed those enzymes for thousands of years to break down their food. This will put even more farmers out of business.
    These people are just idiots!

  23. Comment by Sceptic posted on

    "More than 58 studies on potential risks were evaluated "

    Who paid for these studies? Who conducted them? Were they independent? Are they available for public scrutiny? I had a look at the linked web sites, and many of these 'studies' are on rats, dogs, rabbits, cows, sheep, and so on. There was one test on 'human adrenal cells'. So quite how the FSA reaches a conclusion that this is safe further down the line for humans is hard to understand.

    The FSA states that "feed additives undergo the FSA's rigorous safety assessment." An assessment does not mean much. A test is a different level of examination.

    Sorry, FSA, but I don't trust you. You're in bed with the big producers and nothing more than a mouthpiece. You're here to sell the public on the idea that this is good. I won't be buying anything from these producers.

  24. Comment by Fiona Evans posted on

    Farmers held a demonstration against the govt. & its farmland tax. How about holding a demonstration against this Bovaer additive ?.All mammals fart (humans are also mammals !) & have done so since before Adam was a little boy.!

  25. Comment by Chris posted on

    It appears safe at the recommended dose......can anyone see the elephant in the room?

    • Replies to Chris>

      Comment by Dave B posted on

      All these scientists who assure us it is safe, run some in your eyes and eat a spoonful, then we might start to believe you.

  26. Comment by Steve posted on

    Dairy products being trialed with Bovaer
    Cravendale milk
    Arla organic products
    Ready make chilled coffee from starbucks

    Think before you buy,

    • Replies to Steve>

      Comment by Hugh kappen posted on

      All products that have been part of the bovear trial should have a label on that product stating so. Give the consumers a choice. To not do so will only lead to boycotting all dairy and beef products.

      • Replies to Hugh kappen>

        Comment by Peanut operator posted on

        I’m wondering if that’s the end goal?

  27. Comment by Eileen Sargeant posted on

    Define safe please. I am looking for retaining soil health, not compromising the regenerative nature of regenerative dairy farming, not compromising cow health over a long life, and not entailing use of patented product with wealth streams away from the farmer. Safe for land, safe for water, safe for cows, safe for people and safe for long term farm business survival.

  28. Comment by Phil posted on

    Reminds me of "safe and effective". What's going to happen when the cows are slaughtered? It's been cleared by governments who were almost Draconian in their application of the COVID vaccine and look where that got us. Big business wins again. Follow the money.

  29. Comment by Adam posted on

    Lets save the planet by killing the cows. Lets create clean air when the wind blows.

  30. Comment by John Pearson posted on

    This is absolutely disgraceful. Even if you could accept the spurious arguments which the Governments of the world are spouting in their efforts to make the public panic about climate change [which is an entirely natural occurrence.... just look at the history of weather over the last two thousand years], it takes a lot of imagination to blame weather patterns on belching cows. We have rockets being fired into space and aeroplanes overhead, both of which cause more damage than cows! And then, what about the cows themselves? The additive works by destroying one of the enzymes which aid digestion. I don't fancy walking through a field of cows which have been awake all night because of indigestion. How can the long-term effect of this additive be discovered when dairy cows have an artificially short life anyway? We must learn that we cannot control nature. Milk, butter, yoghurt, cream..... all milk products will be affected by these profit-making products. It is all about making money.

  31. Comment by stretch posted on

    Folks, come on this is a serious subject!

    It will protect us against a really dangerous chain reaction of someone is foolish enough to light a cow fart.

  32. Comment by Kate posted on

    I do not consent to taking part in trials using Bovae. Therefore I would expect all affected products to be clearly and appropriately labelled so that I can make my own choices.

  33. Comment by John Burdon posted on

    Methane is a trace element in the atmosphere. 0.00017%. After 7-8 yearsit breakdown into CO2 and water vapour... which is taken up again by the grass that feeds the cattle.
    Reference the active ingredient of Bovaer, 3-Nitrooxypropanol, the safety data sheet for 3-Nitrooxypropanol states " Not for human use. When handling, wear protection, mask, and impervious gloves. If in eyes rinse immediately. Harmful when inhaled. Corrosive to the eyes. Irritant to the skin. Can damage male fertility and reproductive organs. Do not give to male ruminants intended for breeding."
    It should not be used in cattle feed destined for the food chain, especially in dairy. The rubber stamp of approval by the Food Standards Agency is questionable to say the least!
    There is a petition on the Government petition website to fight this approvalif you wish to sign it.

    • Replies to John Burdon>

      Comment by Christine Gray posted on

      I didn't see the petition on Gov website?

    • Replies to John Burdon>

      Comment by Concerned Citizen posted on

      Could you please share the data sheet you've cited?

  34. Comment by Grant Jones posted on

    Pregnant or breast feeing women are advised not to eat certain foods or drink alcohol as they can be passed onto the baby via the mothers blood or her milk.
    So the line about - "The additive is metabolised by the cows so does not pass into the milk" is total crap.
    The 3-Nitrooxypropanol, is very soluble so able to pass very easy through the gut wall and enter the blood / milk system

  35. Comment by James Ellis posted on

    I found my way here, trying to be objective, but this statement is so disingenuous.

    “Safe at recommended doses” “ no adverse effects were observed at the recommended dosage”
    Far too many qualifiers in this sentence to give any real confidence. You can almost feel the twisting of words.

    I understand Bovaer has been evaluated as a feed additive, not a veterinary drug, so has not been rigorously tested as consumers would expect.

    The simple answer would be to label products and allow consumers to choose.

  36. Comment by make your cookbook posted on

    This blog provides great information about Bovaer. Such solutions are essential for tackling climate change. Thank you for the clear and detailed explanation!

  37. Comment by Tony posted on

    The NIH in the US appear to disagree with your analysis of 3-NOP. Amongst other things it can cause metastatic neoplasms (cancers).

  38. Comment by Jose posted on

    This is so wrong in so many levels. Firstly reducing the methane from animals wont make any difference. This is a perfect cycle from nature that works perfectly well for the animals, human beings and other living beings. More importantly, now you want to feed cows with man made additives, with components that you have no idea of the short and long term consequences for both the animals and the humans ?? No wonder most people nowadays end up with terminal diseases at such young age. This is an absolute joke. You all can have that meat and milk, and good luck with your health. I rather start my own farm if i have too, and go back to what's natural for the animals and for the human beings. At least i have a shot of living a healthy life as my grandparents. Not like today, how absurd is this... 1 in 2 people in UK get Cancer!!! Seems like we are doing really well right ??

  39. Comment by Tim posted on

    How about stoping people like Bill Gates using private jets is you want to help global warming. Cows contribute less than private jets. There used to be 50 million buffalo in the USA 300 years ago.

  40. Comment by Bernice Joanne Machin posted on

    Thalidomide drug was deemed safe :/ ...... 2,4,5-T (Agent Orange) "These included a greater incidence than normal of malformed babies in villages close to zones that had been sprayed with Agent Orange. The US National Cancer Institute established that the dioxin, which was present in 2,4,5-T at concentrations of only 10-30 ppm, was responsible for producing malformations in mammalian babies. Various court cases are still pending in the US for compensation for Vietnam veterans who claim exposure to Agent Orange has been responsible for birth defects in their children and developments of cancer in themselves. The arguments for and against banning of 2,4,5-T have therefore focused upon the concentration of dioxin impurity it should be allowed to contain. In Germany and the USA is has now been banned completely, but in the UK it can still be used for some agricultural applications - although alternative herbicides are now increasingly being used instead." .... not testing things properly have proven to be very serious problems, one of the above examples caused my disability but bet the gov wont help me figure out which one ...... please think of how things affect future lives.... or at the very least consider the pip claims that may come in the coming years because of failure to properly understand drugs your willing to 'chance' on society!!!

  41. Comment by Rachel Elnaugh-LOVE posted on

    As a mother of 5 I know from first hand experience everything I ate and drank went straight into my milk and into my baby. I do not believe this propaganda from the Government once again attempting to assure us this is ‘safe and effective’. And if you really want to ‘save the planet’ stop funding endless wars & bombing. Put simply Bovaer is an expensive additive designed to make its (no doubt WEF aligned) manufacturers richer ~ concocted to solve a non-problem, at the expense of the health of the People. Personally, I am boycotting all products made from milk produced from Bovaer eating cows. And these definitely SHOULD be labelled !!!

  42. Comment by Gail posted on

    No long term studies to confirm this and so few tests all it would appear had a negative impact.
    We are not your guinea pigs. You tried it once and we are bearing witness to the consequences.
    The boycott is happening countrywide. Arla products being left on the shelves and Bovaer free selling out. That should tell you everything you need to know.
    I know lots of people who have switched to local farmers who have made statements they are not using this additive. Arla and Companies participating should be transparent and honest and let the people decide not be being deceptive and hiding logos on their packaging. This in itself shows they are truly not confident in promoting the additive.
    Since the push on the general public to comply in other issues more of us are becoming more aware and do not trust the government. You are not working for us. This is not a democracy.
    Let the people chose. Be transparent. Be honest.

  43. Comment by Rich46 posted on

    More Government lies! The NFU have said they are experimenting with the use of this feed additive.. So we are the lab rats!
    Stop chemtrailing the skies and let nature do what the creator designed it to do.. Cows are part of nature a beautiful true wonder of the world.

  44. Comment by Marcia Carter posted on

    Label all products from cows that are given Bovaer. Allow the consumer the choice to consume or not.

  45. Comment by Paul Daniel posted on

    The recent Covid scamdemic has shown us that: -

    The Government can't be trusted to be truthful.
    The Government's regulators can't be trusted to be truthful.
    The large scale food manufacturers can't be trusted to be truthful.
    The supermarkets can't be trusted to be truthful.
    The mainstream media can't be trusted to be truthful.

    If you think I'm going to believe any statements coming from any of the above above how 'safe and effective' bovear additive is in the milk supply, you must have taken too many safe and effective shots already. Boycot.

  46. Comment by Adam H posted on

    Haven’t I heard “Safe and effective” somewhere before…

  47. Comment by Christine Gray posted on

    All products should be labelled and people should have the choice. I am not in favour of this. I think people have more issues today because of their diet and it is due to additives, chemicals and processed foods. People were healthier and thinner in the 1950s and 1960s and they didn't eat the overprocessed crap that is being sold to the public.

  48. Comment by Wazza posted on

    Brought to you by the same Government who injected us with mRNA jabs in collusion with Big Pharma. All of these Club of Rome/WEF climate change antics must be for our greater good.

  49. Comment by Sarah Maturin-Baird posted on

    I think I'm just going to wait a few years and see what happens to all those people who do drink this, tampered with, milk. In the meantime I'll stick to an organic alternative.

  50. Comment by Andy Pears posted on

    A serious revolution is needed after this blatant attack on freedom. The puppet government will not stop following orders of their paymaster WEF generals. Its clear we are at war with the globalists. Every NGO and government institution is corrupt.

    • Replies to Andy Pears>

      Comment by Wazza posted on

      Doesn't matter which party takes over, the agenda continues undisturbed.

  51. Comment by Pedro posted on

    Cows treated with 3-NOP produce higher hydrogen emissions (

    "3-Nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) is effective at reducing ruminal methane emissions in ruminants. But it also causes a drastic increase in hydrogen accumulation, resulting in feed energy waste."

    Also, the major route out of the body for 3-NOP is as CO2 (70%) (

    "An extensive metabolism of 3-NOP was consistently verified, mainly to 14CO2 (about 70% of the dose)."

    Aren’t those supposed to be bad for the climate?

  52. Comment by UK citizen posted on

    Unless your financially viable (meaning I can sue you and anyelse who received a paycheck to promote this) in the event it's proven to b in unhealthy, I will not trust this.

  53. Comment by UK citizen posted on

    I asked edge ai who sells it, looks like it's going to be forced on us.

    Marks & Spencer's

    • Replies to UK citizen>

      Comment by Annie posted on

      I believe Ocado milk is Bovaer free, as is organic milk (obviously not affordable for everyone).

  54. Comment by Lee Millward posted on

    We were told the COVID jab was safe we're told our water is safe if bill gates is behind something it's not safe but he has big pockets so who's taken a back hander from him to push the narrative no government agency can be trusted you all sing from the same hymn sheet it either comes with a tax or it's there to make us sick

  55. Comment by Friend of the Cows posted on

    What about the Cows?
    Think of the Cows
    Cows should have the choice to fart if they want

  56. Comment by Concerned citizen who does not consent to this. posted on

    Times when regulatory agencies have been wrong or mislead about additives and medication after assuring the public that they are safe and effective:

    *Vioxx/recoxifib being safe, drug companies straight up lied about the heart issues they were seeing.

    *Gardisil in terms of deceptions over cost to taxpayer, efficacy and danger of it causing HPV cancers.

    *mRNA Sars CoV2 vaccines being "safe and effective", even recommending them to children who are the least at risk by covid.

    *Thalidomide was recommended for morning sickness in pregnant women and it in fact caused deformities, it was thought that it was impossible for it to pass to the baby so it was never looked at.

    *slow release oxycontin being non addictive

    Times when experts and doctor thought a medicine. food additive, therapy or medical was safe, valid or effective but have since been found not to be:


    *the chemical imbalance theory of "mental illness".

    *heroin being non addictive

    *radium being health promoting

    *tape worms for weight loss

    *phentermine for weight loss

    *doctors believing it is possible to take benzodiazipines every day without getting withdrawal symptoms when you stop.



    The UK gives out less than 1% of the world's emissions and cows are much less than that, it simply is not worth messing with the food supply of an entire nation to have almost no effect on "man made climate change" even if one does accept the validity of that theory.

    The government can't possibly know the effects long term because there have not been long term studies of humans drinking Bovaer fed milk.

    Also the line that it metabolises in the cow's system, of course it does!

    Most drugs metabilise when you swallow them, what chemicals does it metabilise in to?

    Why aren't we told that?

    We have a right to know if we are eating it. We have a right to informed consent.

    It says here that Bovar doesn't go in to the cow's milk, but what about it's meat? What about it's tripe? Are we supposed to believe that a cow can be fed with Bovaer and it will not be present in it's stomach?

    Have tests been done on it's presence in tripe and other meats/offal?

    There have been many instances of big pharma simply hiring ghost writers to write up studies that show the pharma company's product in a positive light and then paying well known experts in their field to put their name to the paper.

    With the huge amounts of money up for grabs with putting this in to the cow feed of an entire country it would make basic economic sense for whoever produces Bovaer to do exactly what I outlined above.

    There could be billions to be made here, a few million in the pockets of some experts to declare this product safe is not much of an expenditure.

    Also humans have a very delicate gut microbiome, if some metabolite of this drug gets though in to the milk, what will that do to the human microbiome? Does anyone know?

    I personally don't believe in man made climate change (at least not at anywhere near the rates we are asked to believe from the mainstream climate alarmists and Lord Monkton thoroughly disproved these figures, it doesn't matter what sort of "consensus" there is if the maths and the models are simply wrong) but even if I did; changing a big portion of the country's food supply with something there could not possibly be long term studies on humans for simply to affect less than 1% of the world's greenhouse emissions simply doesn't make sense from a risk benefit perspective.

    However from a profit maximisation perspective; it of course makes sense for these companies all the while being able to claim brownie points for being "environmentally friendly".

    I do not consent to this being in the food supply anywhere in the UK or in the food supply of any animal in the UK.

  57. Comment by UK concerned citizen posted on

    I strongly object use of Bovaer additive to the cows! Its cows abuse and part of depopulation agenda! We still remember Mad Cows desease and its consequences! Bovaer additive leads to turbo cancer, corrosion of eyes, male and female infertility, toxins accumulate in liver, kidney, intestine and brains. Its a lethal additive! DSM Firmerich would better switch to adding to Jaguar engines oil! Stop toxic poisonous additives! For saving the planet its better to reduce airplane flights, destruction of planet by wars, explosions, missiles, bombs etc. Switch your focus to real issues, leave poor cows alone! 🐂It must be hurting for cows, causing them pain and distress, this will lead to injecting cows with medicine trying to resolve their health issues!😡😡😡

  58. Comment by Sousa posted on

    Why do workers need to use PPE to handle this safe drug, if it is not dangerous for the cows?

  59. Comment by ConcernedConsumer posted on

    If this is a trial with Bovaer, what is the anticipated result? If it is safe why is it being trialed, what are Arla looking for here? Animal deaths, deformaties in next years calfs, consumer allergies or worse?

  60. Comment by peter lamb posted on

    mad cow started same way feed cows wierd food fatten them profit now feed additives not age tested should be labeled or goverment and suppliers shall be responsible to pay damages if it damages any body

  61. Comment by Jay posted on

    Playing god to satisfy the utterly achievable NetZero fantasy.

    We simply don't believe you anymore, big government and those in their orbit, are simply put, enemies of the people.

  62. Comment by Annie Oram posted on

    Can you use references for the claims made. Your own study on rats with this additive was ONLY 90 days! What evidence are you basing the claim that the additive is not present in the meat or milk of the animals? If handlers have to be careful handling it, what impacts could it have on the animals consuming it?

  63. Comment by Lisa Jennings posted on

    This is not safe and We the people of Britain do not want additive in our animals or our food. This insane and we will not allow it.We will stop you. You are not here for our safety or you would not do this to our animals or our people. We are not fools.
    Stop giving this horrible substance to animals now. You have no idea of the consequence. How much are you being paid by Gates to do it. You have not idea It would take 2 years to see the consequences of such insanity.

  64. Comment by mr j henry posted on

    These statements saying this bovaer is safe is lies and should be withdrawn right away, you do not know the long term effects this will have on humans, and you have no right to spread misinformation on these government sites, whoever runs fsa needs locked up .

    can you provide me with the long term studies you have done to prove your statements that bovaer will have no effects on the human population.

  65. Comment by K Beck posted on

    The work of a FSA should be to protect the food supplies and health of the country it represents. No one now trusts the government and its supposed regulatory agencies.

  66. Comment by Jorg Bjornsen posted on

    Bacofoil would make a fortune in this comments section! Hats for all the "researchers"!

  67. Comment by Mitch posted on

    I don’t see any need at all for Bovaer and would like it to be made absolutely clear if milk or meat is from animals fed this supplement.
    The more we interfere, the worse for humans and animals. Methane really does not need limiting, the benefit is surely just in the pockets of the manufacturer.

  68. Comment by Annie posted on

    We do not need to move towards further processing of our food chain. We need to move away from over processing and back towards natural low processed products. We do not need our cows eating additives. We are only now starting to find out what additives and over-processed foods do to humans about 50/60 years after they started to be widely introduced in the 70s. Our food is making us ill. Consider how the rates of autoimmune disease has risen in that time in western countries, and the rapidly increasing rates of cancer as examples. Don't make this worse by allowing any additives to our food products which are completely unnecessary. If you want to do something about methane start with stopping fossil fuel burning, and leave the animals alone. If you want to feed the cows something, you can achieve the same thing with seaweed, you don't need this artificial chemical which we have no idea of the long term effects of. Have you learned nothing from mad cow disease?!? What you feed animals matters.

    And note that Bovaer apparently reduces emissions by 45%, red seaweed can reduce emissions by up to 97% making it much more effective, so if your goal is reducing emissions why aren't we using that? I strongly suspect the issue is money, lobbying from DSM Firmenich, and possibly even backhanders.

  69. Comment by Alastair posted on

    In my previous comment I should have said Nigel, not Mitch.

  70. Comment by I am a man of wealth, and taste. posted on

    Thank you! I am enjoying all these posts immensely!

    Hope you guess my name.

    (R.I.P. Howard Hughes of The Unexplained.)

  71. Comment by Chris Brogden posted on

    What happens to the milk from the farms in this "trial"? Does it get seperated out from the other milk not in the trial or does it all get mixed together and bottled?
    If mixed together then this is surely wrong. If anything was to go wrong or other side effects were to be found then ALL the milk is tainted.
    Can we please have an answer on this as the consumer has a right to know

  72. Comment by Penelope Wilcock posted on

    We are now all too familiar with these faux "safe and effective" assurances, and the consequences that arise from accepting them. After the covid vaccine campaign, and the years of illness that have decimated my life since falling for it, I want no more to do with your chemical interventions. Plus, how very selfish and cruel to fixate only on the safe-for-humans perspective. What about the cows? A ruminant animal is pretty much a digestive system on legs. Ruminant digestion is *why* the meat of cows is the purest and most therapeutic food on earth. You have done so much to ruin our lives. Please, please leave us our meat and dairy. For many of us facing punishing metabolic illness it is the best way back to health. Don't come along and blight that as well.

  73. Comment by Katy posted on

    Anything is now “safe” in order to pay the pharmaceutical mafia. All the rubbish that is added to food all around just making us sick so they make even more money.
    We should have the option to vote against this practice. Or at least it should be stated on the packaging what kind of things the animal was exposed to so we have the right to decide if we want to use it.
    Best option now - buy straight from the farmer, ask them what is their approach, and help the industry as milk farmers make really awful profit when selling to big chains.

  74. Comment by Nicholas Mansbridge posted on

    If the total number of animals on earth has declined significantly in the past 100,000 years and large herbivores are among those most threatened, why are these people insulting our intelligence by suggesting cow farts are causing climate change? Why is nobody pointing out that everything that is decaying is producing methane? Every deciduous plant or tree that drops its leaves in the winter, every oilseed rape stem after harvest, every blue whale that dies of old age, sinks to the ocean floor and gets eaten and pooped out by crabs, everything is producing METHANE! No, of course they’re right.. playing wheel of fortune with human health is the best way to protect us..

  75. Comment by Ian Elliott posted on

    If it was about reducing methane they would use seaweed to the mix as it reduces methane by up to 80% whilst Bovaer only reduces methane by up to 30%

    • Replies to Ian Elliott>

      Comment by Jonathan posted on

      It’s about knocking confidence in the uk farming ! That is all you can not trust milk naw or wether your eating a lab cancer called beef!

  76. Comment by Joe Bloggs posted on

    Massive government overreach since covid... almost seems like a plan...
    I think the government forget they work for the people and are employed by the people not the other way around.
    Honestly it's so obvious what they are doing it hilarious.
    But sheeple will be sheeple hoping its all going to go away.
    Remember guys...


  77. Comment by Daisy posted on

    I will not be buying any of it . Not milk, cheese, butter , cream ,yoghurts , nor meat .
    I will not feed this to my family .
    How dare you not inform the public of this trial !
    Very angry !

  78. Comment by Sophie posted on

    People have the right to choose whether they want to eat/drink cows milk that has been fed Bovaer, surly there MUST be some sort of label or stamp to show products which do/do not come from these sources?!

    I find it inexcusable that people are seemingly having their free will taken away from them without this matter being address as a matter of urgency!

  79. Comment by Paul Ivor Rayner posted on

    I'm 71 years old, so COVID could be really nasty for me. But after 10 COVID-Jabs, I still haven't caught it, and appear to have no side-effects. But there was still a risk that the COVID vaccine might harm me, so should I have avoided it and pre-paid my funeral instead? I'm 71 years old, so I've seen flood damage and storm damage and killer hot-spells get worse and more frequent, following the increases in climate-changing gas emissions. Unless we all go vegan and don't need cows, perhaps we should reduce the number of people being killed by climate change by taking a small risk with Bovaer? (though this won't be any use for grazed cattle). Paul Rayner, B.Sc.(Hons), Dip.H.E.(Health Studies).

    • Replies to Paul Ivor Rayner>

      Comment by Peanut ops posted on

      That’s great you’ve survived 71 years in this crazy world but to think that gives you a large enough window of experience to determine thousands of years of climate science equals only hubris. A phd or two does not give anyone the right to determine the future path of millions of others, let alone a Bsc and a diploma.

    • Replies to Paul Ivor Rayner>

      Comment by Jonathan posted on

      The amount of people I know that took the mRNA shot have had strokes hart problems swelling of the arteries and neurological problems like my mother 70 years old naw with permanent brain damage after it turned her own body on itself attacking where the protein were after the shot trains the body to attack proteins.
      So bit upset when anyone sticks up for these shots that have seriously damaged a lot of my loved ones and did nothing to stop the lab made virus and in my opinion was nothing to do with helping people!

  80. Comment by Mr Myagi posted on

    The Milk and Meat questions in the article above ask;

    Is milk from cows fed Bovaer safe for us to drink?
    Milk from cows given Bovaer, a feed additive used to reduce methane emissions, is safe to drink. The additive is metabolised by the cows so does not pass into the milk. 

    Is meat from animals fed Bovaer safe to eat?
    Yes. Meat from animals fed Bovaer is safe to eat. The FSA safety assessment concluded there are no safety concerns when Bovaer is used at the approved dose.

    Now compare those answers to this;

    The points below are taken from the FSA safety assessment:Reference number RP1059
    NOPA residues in milk were low
    enough not to be cause for concern.

    Levels of 3-NOP or its primary metabolite NOPA in milk and edible tissues were
    not deemed as being of concern as consumer intakes would be well within the

    Concentrations of 3-NOP and its metabolites in milk and
    edible tissues are not expected to reach levels of concern.

    It's in the milk and meat !

  81. Comment by Nigel Roche posted on

    I am glad you have a link for further comment.
    Mine is on the the determination of safety, I am old enough to remember the start of "Mad Cow disease and the realisation that feeding the spinal cord and brain tissue of scrapied sheep to beef cattle as "protein" led to new variant CJD in humans.
    So with that in mind if and I say IF advisedly it turns out that concentration of 3-NOP (current statement that double the allowed quantity has been shown as safe) is found to represent a risk to human health. who will be held responsible - in other words who get sued?

    is the quantity in volume or mass because a mix up of one to the other can cause problems of over dosing. (ask structural engineers about high luminar cement and the cock up made in structures)

    the other question is will something like this be given to vegans and vegitarians to prevent their affecting climate change?

  82. Comment by Graeme posted on

    Look at the state of Starmer's government and you expect people to take it's advice!!!! What planet is the government living on. I've quit all supermarket dairy and beef, I only use my local farm shop because they use local farms free from cancer additives.

    • Replies to Graeme>

      Comment by Jonathan posted on

      I am a beef farmer there is a lot of things going on that makes no sense at all and this is another one ! There is only reason for all these things to be happening ! All liked with so called climate change and wef:
      1 geo engineering spraying the skys with aluminium and mercury to block out sun / reflect sun light to cool the planet.
      2 covid release and fear mongering to jab us all with mRNA gmos.
      3 attacking the food supply by contamination and saying it’s bad for the planet!
      4 destroying small businesses to get the big businesses in to control everything!
      5 the false flags and misinformation and hiding of the facts and truth by the media and the internet to control the narrative!

      All this is set out in agendas and programs made and published by the world economic forum and the world health organisation! And they have also said they control 90% of the government’s around the world and the ones they don’t they are in the process of there destruction!
      What has the world come to when you can not even find out what is the ingredients to your food injections and even the air you breathe through the geo engineering!
      I am afraid it looks like it can only mean one thing in my opinion and it is yet another agenda of wef and it’s government shills depopulation !

      • Replies to Jonathan>

        Comment by Anthony Pinckneye posted on

        You nailed it. The battle is spiritual - turn to Christ, repent, and ask him to restore our nations. Then join Reform.

  83. Comment by Jonathan posted on

    The government is totally destroying the farming industry with the help of a few idiot farmers that go along with this I’m a beef farmer and I have naw lost all confidence in milk products in supermarkets but this will be all products made with milk to buskers butter cheese chocolate not to mention the beef when the dairy cows that take this drug in there feed get put in the food chain them selves and how can anyone report any issues if it is not labelled? It’s criminal and making the public lose confidence in the healthy food products that are naw contaminated with in labeled similar products! It’s criminal!

  84. Comment by Jonathan posted on

    Plausible deniability is there other favoured saying!

  85. Comment by Robin Blackadder posted on

    This is evil madness. CO2 makes up 0.04% of our atmosphere. Man's contribution, including cows, is 0.004%. Science fact: temperature ris before CO2 rises. The oceans release more CO2 as the warm. As they cool, they absorb CO2 again. There is a 600-800 year time lag in this. Man made CO2 causing us to fry is a money making scam promoted by the same people that pushed the COVID pandemic.

  86. Comment by Mike Johnsin posted on

    One word thalidomide That was safe until it wasn’t
    No thanks l won’t be buying dairy unless it’s organic

  87. Comment by Gav posted on

    Bill Gates alone produces more harmful gases than all the animals in the world combined. A simple cull will fix this. It's clear to all that the UK government are complicit in making billionaires wealthier but have no regards to the citizens of their own country.

  88. Comment by Lynne posted on

    Like anyone believes anything coming from the Government these days. Esp this one

  89. Comment by Joanna Haynes posted on

    i remember a few years back i shopped at iceland.the pork steaks started getting slimy.pork isnt normally slimy.i dont shop there is nothing like it used to be years has been messed with so much.we need less additives not more.i dont want this bovaer and im sure the cows dont they just assume that rich folk buy organic anyways so it wont affect them?just use rest of the population as guinea pigs (no insult to cavies intended) .amazed at how this has been allowed to happen.its inhuman

  90. Comment by Matthew Carter posted on

    Every time i drink Milk from Lidl and it was even Organic Milk my eyes start to water and burn and become very sensitive! Its happened multiple times and have stopped drinking this brand of milk. Alternatively I had some milk from Co op today and didnt seem to be a problem!? To me after my reaction this doesn't seem safe for human consumption! Do we have to wait until people become seriously ill before they stop using it!?

  91. Comment by Rafe posted on

    NO TO BOVAER! Clearly you state "at the recommend dose". So you must have tested Bovaer to *UNSAFE LEVELS* to find out where the safe limit is?
    When you introduce a synthetic additive or drug into feed, you are changing how Nature intended the system to work.
    You are out of your minds thinking its okay to play God and not expect any repercussions.
    Tackle green house gases where its manufactured artificially, not by nature!
    I don't want to support your Bovaer or anti-nature policy.
    Please show on the cartons where Bovaer has been used...

  92. Comment by Bev posted on

    1. Carbon/methane is not the driver of climate change.
    2. Even if they were, the contribution would be minuscule compared with emissions from the ocean and volcanoes, not 13% or 15% or whatever outrageous figure is given.
    3. It is very expensive for struggling farmers, who may be forced to buy it.
    4. At least one study did find 3-NOP in the cows' milk.
    5. Anyone who has breastfed knows whatever is eaten goes directly into the milk and fast, whether good or bad for babies.
    6. It damages enzymes in the cow's intestines, destroying their gut microbiome and leading to sickness in the cows. Not harmless.
    7. A large proportion of the cows in earlier trials also had to be euthanised.
    8. Bill Gates has officially invested in a similar rival product. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation also gave annual grants to DSM-Firmenich, the makers of Bovaer from 2013.
    9. Bill Gates is making money out of climate change by investing in innovative approaches such as this. He does not plant trees (carbon capture machines), as he says 'that would have no effect on climate change.' Listen to what he is saying.
    10. A study found that a preparation with garlic and lemon reduced methane by about 27% (same as Bovaer). It is not used because there is no money to be made from that.

    • Replies to Bev>

      Comment by M B posted on

      Also... 3-nitrooxypropanol (Bovaer) added to dairy cows feed, significantly alters how the cows rumen microbiome works.

      Melgar et. al. 2020 (Dose-response effect of 3-nitrooxypropanol on enteric
      methane emissions in dairy cows), Shows that short chain fatty acids within milk are significantly increased, and long chain fatty acids like cis-9, trans-11 CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and trans-11 18:1 (Vaccenic Acid) long chain fatty acids in milk are also significantly reduced reduced.

      Corl et. al 2003 (cis-9, trans-11 CLA Derived Endogenously from trans-11 18:1 Reduces Cancer Risk in Rats) shows that those two long chain fatty acids (above), cis-9, trans-11 CLA derived endogenously from trans-11 18:1 in butter, significantly reduces cancer risk in rats.

  93. Comment by mark posted on

    Greedy companies cashing in on the environment game - and I don't CARE about the safety angle - but that it's been rammed down our throats whether we like it or not, and having to pay a virtue signalling fee on top of everything else is insulting. I'm guessing this is something farmers have to continually rebuy??

    I also loathe the devious way it's been introduced (and hidden behind codes) and with pretty much an ultimatum of "tough s**t it's here and you're gonna like it"

    This product is utter TRIPE and will do NOTHING to help alleviate the environments problems - it's designed to do NOTHING more than alleviate the weight of our pockets.

  94. Comment by Anthony Pinckneye posted on

    Many posters here have already pointed out that we are, as usual, being fed lies by the feckless, the negligent, and the corrupt.

    - We know the metabolites will be in the milk
    - We know it's not thoroughly tested
    - We know it's not 'safe' or 'effective'.
    - We know if you pump cows full of chemicals, those chemicals will end up in the food chain and the water table.
    - We know climate change is a bs woke religion designed to destroy Western civilisation.

    It's now abundantly clear that everything coming down from this government, and the one that preceded it, comes from people who hate and despise humanity.

    Which is no surprise, because it's also abundantly clear that all they do is the bidding of the psychopaths and pdf files of the WEF cabal who openly hate and despise humanity.

    It's time for people working in government departments like this to make a choice. A 'food standards agency' that poisons our children's milk? Woe to those who call evil 'good', and good 'evil'!

    Democracy rests on the consent of the governed, and we *do not consent* to the woke communist agenda. Throw your lot in with these megalomaniacs, and I assure you, *you will lose*. The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ and the Church.

    The British people have been tolerant to a fault, but enough is enough. Justice is coming. At elections up and down these nations a storm is coming that will sweep away the traitorous woke communists and appeasers of the uniparty.

    To everyone else see exactly what is going on, and you know who put this bs into law. Join Reform, vote Reform, get Reform.

    More importantly - understand that the battle is spiritual. If we repent, turn to God, and ask Him to restore our nations, He will.

  95. Comment by angus mclean posted on

    you have gone too far
    stop playing with our food products to stop cows farting

  96. Comment by Colin Phillips posted on

    Don't trust any of it.I only buy organic milk and dairy products.
    Someone said ,even cows suppying companies like Newzealand butter are fed food with Bovaer in it. Good god what is is it all coming to.

  97. Comment by M B posted on

    3-nitrooxypropanol (Bovaer) added to dairy cows feed, significantly alters how the cows rumen microbiome works.

    Melgar et. al. 2020 shows that short chain fatty acids within milk are significantly increased, and long chain fatty acids like cis-9, trans-11 CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and trans-11 18:1 (Vaccenic Acid) long chain fatty acids in milk are also significantly reduced reduced ( )

    Corl et. al 2003 shows that those two long chain fatty acids (above), cis-9, trans-11 CLA Derived Endogenously from trans-11 18:1 in butter, significantly reduces cancer risk in rats (


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