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Professor Robin May, Chief Scientific Adviser

British Science Week 2025: Adapting to the changing food landscape

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British Science Week 2025: Adapting to the changing food landscape

Cymraeg British Science Week runs this year from 7th to 16th March. This is a celebration of science, technology, engineering, and maths run by the British Science Association. Each year has a different theme, with this year's theme being ‘change …

The FSA takes time for British Science Week

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British Science Week

There is no question that what and how we eat has evolved dramatically over time - I’m sure I’m not alone in eating a diet that is radically different to the one my parents or grandparents ate. This is partly about cultural and societal changes, but also owes a lot to science and the technological changes that have transformed the food system over recent decades.

Food Hypersensitivity Perspectives and Practice Symposium 2022 - Different perspectives on food hypersensitivity

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Collection of allergens

Professor Robin May, FSA Chief Scientific Adviser, reflects on the recent Food Hypersensitivity Perspectives & Practice Symposium, and how we can make the UK a better place for the food hypersensitive consumer.