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Understanding antimicrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens

A person in PPE including a full face mask, overalls and gloves holds a syringe. Red background and Food Standards Agency logo in bottom right.

AMR has been identified as one of the most pressing global challenges we face this century. Through projects such as IID3, we are able to learn more about AMR in foodborne pathogens with the aim of supporting work to prevent the spread. Part of our World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) series of blogs.

PATH-SAFE: Taking a “One Health” approach to Antimicrobial Resistance

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Matrix/Ghost in the shell stream of numbers but with a red rather than green filter. Red background and Food Standards Agency logo in bottom right.

For World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week, the Pathogen Surveillance in Agriculture, Food and the Environment programme (PATH-SAFE)  will be showcasing some of the antimicrobial resistance research activities that are underway across the programme.

Common or Garden Antimicrobial Resistance - Two Citizen Science Projects

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Someone cutting a lettuce with a knife on a wooden cutting board. Red background and Food Standards Agency logo in bottom right.

It's World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) and we want to share some insights into our latest Citizen Science projects. Citizen Science is when we co-create studies with people in the community. Our latest reports delve into the world of AMR in your home, specifically on home-grown food and on your chopping boards.