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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Chief Executive’s message to stakeholders - Update on our meat fraud investigation

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Emily Miles, Food Standards Agency Chief Executive, March 2022


I recently wrote to you about a criminal investigation being carried out by the FSA’s National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) into suspected meat fraud.

As I explained, there are several lines of defence in the food system that keep the public protected. Food businesses have the knowledge and controls to fulfil their legal obligations to sell food that is safe and what it says it is. Local authorities act as a second line of defence, conducting inspections of food businesses. The FSA is the third line of defence, inspecting some businesses directly, and investigating serious food crime with our National Food Crime Unit.

I recently convened a meeting with the food industry to look at where the system could be further strengthened to protect against rogue actors and criminal activity.

I am pleased to say that a number of industry groups and representatives have agreed to work in collaboration with the FSA to explore improvements to the current system. These include the Association of Independent Meat Suppliers, the British Meat Processors Association, the British Retail Consortium, the Food and Drink Federation, the Food Industry Intelligence Network, and Red Tractor.

We will:

  • Review the scope for a single telephone number or website that whistleblowers can contact to report concerns about food businesses. There are currently multiple telephone lines run by industry bodies, as well as one run by the FSA.
  • See how to strengthen the role that third-party audits can play in passing on information to regulators to help prevent food fraud. Third-party audits are used by retailers and others to check their own supply chains.
  • Review the best format and mechanism for the FSA to share intelligence-based alerts to better warn businesses about problems in supply chains.

We are convening a working group with industry with a first meeting planned for May.  The FSA also remains concerned about the pressure on local authority resources to tackle food crime but will continue to help local authorities make the best use of the resources they have.

Supporting Voices

Andrew Opie, Director of Food & Sustainability at the British Retail Consortium, said:

Our members are fully committed to ensuring a high level of safety, quality, and integrity in the food chain. We support the Food Standard Agency’s review to look at improvements to the current system, including exploring a simpler, more refined hotline for whistleblowing, as well as ensuring information is shared as effectively and efficiently as possible to prevent and tackle food crime.

Helen Sisson, Director and Co-Chair of the Food Industry Intelligence Network, said:

We are fully committed to working with the FSA and our partners in the food industry to strengthen the system. It is imperative that the public has confidence in UK food and an important part of that is ensuring food crime in supply chains is identified and dealt with quickly.

If you have information about a food crime, please email us at, phone our Food Crime Confidential hotline on 0207 276 8787 or submit information through the online form on our website.

Yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd a’r diwydiant bwyd i archwilio camau gweithredu pellach ar gyfer troseddau bwyd

Ysgrifennais atoch yn ddiweddar ynglŷn ag ymchwiliad troseddol sy’n cael ei gynnal gan Uned Genedlaethol Troseddau Bwyd (NFCU) yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd (ASB) i amheuaeth o dwyll cig. Darllenwch y datganiad llawn.

Fel yr eglurais, mae sawl llinell amddiffyn yn y system fwyd sy’n cadw’r cyhoedd yn ddiogel. Mae gan fusnesau bwyd yr wybodaeth a’r mesurau rheoli i gyflawni eu rhwymedigaethau cyfreithiol i werthu bwyd sy’n ddiogel ac sy’n cyd-fynd â’r hyn sydd ar y label. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn gweithredu fel ail linell amddiffyn, gan gynnal arolygiadau o fusnesau bwyd. Yr ASB yw’r drydedd linell amddiffyn, gan arolygu rhai busnesau yn uniongyrchol ac ymchwilio i droseddau bwyd difrifol gyda’n Huned Troseddau Bwyd Cenedlaethol.

Yn ddiweddar, trefnais gyfarfod gyda’r diwydiant bwyd i ystyried ffyrdd posib o gryfhau’r system ymhellach i ddiogelu rhag gweithredwyr twyllodrus a gweithgarwch troseddol.

Rwy’n falch o ddweud bod nifer o grwpiau a chynrychiolwyr ar ran y diwydiant wedi cytuno i weithio ar y cyd â’r ASB i ddod o hyd i welliannau i’r system bresennol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys Cymdeithas Cyflenwyr Cig Annibynnol, Cymdeithas Proseswyr Cig Prydain, y Ffederasiwn Bwyd a Diod, Rhwydwaith Cudd-wybodaeth y Diwydiant Bwyd, a’r Tractor Coch.

Byddwn yn gwneud y canlynol:

  • Adolygu’r posibilrwydd o gael un rhif ffôn neu wefan y gall chwythwyr chwiban eu defnyddio i roi gwybod am bryderon am fusnesau bwyd. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gan gyrff y diwydiant nifer o linellau ffôn, ac mae gan yr ASB un hefyd.
  • Ystyried sut i gryfhau’r rhan y gall archwiliadau trydydd parti ei chwarae wrth drosglwyddo gwybodaeth i reoleiddwyr er mwyn helpu i atal twyll bwyd. Defnyddir archwiliadau trydydd parti gan fanwerthwyr ac eraill i wirio eu cadwyni cyflenwi eu hunain.
  • Adolygu’r fformat a’r mecanwaith gorau i’r ASB rannu rhybuddion seiliedig ar gudd-wybodaeth er mwyn rhybuddio busnesau’n well am broblemau mewn cadwyni cyflenwi.

Rydym yn trefnu gweithgor gyda’r diwydiant, a bwriedir cynnal y cyfarfod cyntaf ym mis Mai.  Mae’r ASB hefyd yn dal i boeni am y pwysau ar adnoddau awdurdodau lleol wrth iddynt fynd i’r afael â throseddau bwyd, ond bydd yn parhau i helpu awdurdodau lleol i wneud y defnydd gorau o’r adnoddau sydd ganddynt.

Lleisiau Ategol

Dywedodd Andrew Opie, Cyfarwyddwr Bwyd a Chynaliadwyedd yng Nghonsortiwm Manwerthu Prydain:

Mae ein haelodau wedi ymrwymo’n llwyr i sicrhau lefel uchel o ddiogelwch, ansawdd ac uniondeb yn y gadwyn fwyd. Rydym yn cefnogi adolygiad yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd a fydd yn ystyried gwelliannau i’r system bresennol, gan gynnwys archwilio llinell gymorth symlach a gwell ar gyfer chwythu’r chwiban, yn ogystal â sicrhau bod gwybodaeth yn cael ei rhannu mor effeithiol ac effeithlon â phosibl i atal a mynd i’r afael â throseddau bwyd.

Dywedodd Helen Sisson, Cyfarwyddwr a Chyd-Gadeirydd Rhwydwaith Cudd-wybodaeth y Diwydiant Bwyd:

Rydym wedi ymrwymo’n llwyr i weithio gyda’r ASB a’n partneriaid yn y diwydiant bwyd i gryfhau’r system. Mae’n hollbwysig bod gan y cyhoedd hyder ym mwyd y DU, a rhan bwysig o hynny yw sicrhau ein bod yn gweithredu’n gyflym ar ôl canfod troseddau bwyd mewn cadwyni cyflenwi.

Os oes gennych wybodaeth am drosedd bwyd, cysylltwch â ni drwy, drwy ein llinell gymorth Trechu Trosedd Bwyd yn Gyfrinachol ar 0207 276 8787 neu drwy gyflwyno gwybodaeth gan ddefnyddio’r ffurflen ar-lein ar ein gwefan.

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