Thanks to the use of patient- and practice-facing technology, this study has succeeded in achieving large scale, rapid population level recruitment into research about diarrhoeal illness and possible food poisoning in the community.
Through our Call to Evidence, we want to hear from the meat industry, but we would also like to hear from any other groups or individuals who have a view on food safety, animal welfare, or consumer rights.
This is my first message to you as Interim Chief Executive of the FSA and I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me from my previous role as the FSA’s Director of Strategy and Regulatory Compliance.
COVID-19 changed many of our eating habits and behaviours. It also provided a unique opportunity for us to study how restrictions influenced the transmission of Infectious Intestinal Disease (IID).
We hear from current members of our Science Advisory Committees (SACs) to find out about their roles, and to hear about their experience of being a SAC member.
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